I’m a little bit all over – Twitter, instagram, Facebook… there’s a little bit of me everywhere.
If you are a follower besides on my blog, you might be aware of the trouble in paradise.
Paradise… that’s funny. I feel like the going has been rough for ages now. It seems like things get worse and worse until they can’t get any more terrible. But then they do. Get more terrible. Life is funny like that. We keep getting kicked while we’re down.
I’d like to feel like we’ve made the very best of a challenging and frustrating situation, but then the situation gets the best of us. I’m not going to get into specifics (even if you know them) because this blog is read by friends and coworkers and may even by potential employers. Brock and I have had a very rough time recently. We weren’t sure that there was still going to be an ‘us’ at the end of the week.
But instead of giving up, we decided to fight. Like I always do. I don’t give up easily. We went and saw a marriage counselor and heard some things that we really needed to hear. Life is crapping on us right now. Chewing us up and spitting us out. It’s okay that we’re unhappy and frustrated and stressed out. But it’s up to us to use this situation to allow ourselves to grow together instead of apart. It is ALSO up to us to work on our own problems, our own demons, to make sure they don’t come between us. We both have the right to feel loved and safe, we both have the responsibility to make the other feel so.
There is a quote going around on Pinterest… “When you feel like giving up, remember what you were fighting for in the first place.” I’ve been thinking that a lot lately.
In light of this trouble, I find myself very thankful at the exact right time of year. I AM thankful for my husband. I’m thankful for my in-laws, and how they have graciously allowed us into their home. I’m thankful for my parents, and the unwavering, unconditional support they offer me. I’m thankful for my friends, online and real-life, that say the right things at the right time – the fact that you are there when I need you to be means so very much to me. I’m thankful for wonderful children, and job security, and health and the possibility of good things to come. I’m thankful for second chances… and third and fourth and fifth ones.
I’m really pretty thankful lately.
Happy Thanksgiving.