We’ve been signing with Ronan since he was about 6 months old, and I have to be honest with you… I’ve been disappointed over and over that he’s never seem interested, or ever tried to sign back. Now, at ten months old, I was thinking about giving up on it. He just wasn’t getting into it.
But last week, we had our first breakthrough! Ronan has seemed to understand “milk” and “bath” for a while now, but with no reciprocation, there was no way to be sure. Until, while feeding yogurt, I asked “Are you all done? Or do you want more?” showing him the signs for ‘all done’ and ‘more’ as I said the words.
He responded with an enthusiastic clap, an approximation of the ‘more’ sign, and I was THRILLED!! I cheered, and laughed, and almost cried! I called Brock, and then got out the video camera for a repeat performance! Now, he does it at every meal. ‘More, more, more’ until he’s full. I can’t wait to see what his next sign will be. We’ve got ‘all done’, ‘milk’, ‘bath’, and ‘eat’. This is so very cool.