I hate today.
I don’t really know why. Days like today are the worst. I had to stay up all night and work Sunday night, so I slept Monday. I only got 4.5 hours of sleep, and then stayed up the rest of the day so I could SLEEP last night. Brock and I stayed up late enough that I wouldn’t just get a few hours nap and then be wide awake, and went to bed around midnight.
Ronan woke up at 1, and 1:30, and 2, and 3, and 3:30… so much for sleep. From 3:30 until 6 this morning, I was wide awake. I guess I should have written a blog then. So, for the second day in a row, I’m going on next to no sleep.
My house is a disaster, as it always seems to become when I have to work Wednesdays. I never seem to get the energy or the drive to do something about it. My dishes need to be done, we haven’t gone grocery shopping in a few weeks so there’s nothing to eat in the house, and I need to do laundry again.
Look at me sit here and bitch about my life. Seriously, Mandy? Seriously??
I need to get off my butt, take a shower, pick up the floor, and get moving. What is stopping me? Me. Nothing else.
That boy is having a nap, and I’m going to take advantage of it, and get going. Watch me. I don’t need to hate today, I need to live it.
What do you do to motivate yourself to do the things you just don’t feel like doing?