So taken for granted when you’re getting it. Seriously.
Let’s talk sleeping arrangements. First, this is a judgement free zone. I make the choices I make because I feel they are the best for ME and for Ronan. I do not ever look down upon or belittle another mother for the choices she has made for her family. I expect the same courtesy. That being said, if you disagree or dislike what you read here, keep it to yourself.
Ronan sleeps in bed with me. I did not plan it, want it, nor did I encourage it. As a matter of fact, I was violently against bed-sharing… until I had a baby. I used to hear about friends who let their child sleep with them, and I would turn to look at Brock and say, “We are NEVER doing that.”
Fast forward to when Ronan is about 3 weeks old. He sleeps well during the day, but at night time I can’t get him to settle. He cries in the crib, he cries in the pack and play, he cries in the swing. Lord, how the child cries! But when I pull him next to me in bed…
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