I have created my very own blog.
It is still in its infancy. I get to sit here, on the floor in my living room with my laptop on the couch seat, and work on my project while my son is napping. My son, by the way, is Ronan. The worlds most wonderful baby, that is actually quite horrible sometimes. Right now, I need to get my layout, design ideas and everything together. I want to get some advertisements on my page. Ugh. (I know, right?) But the idea is that perhaps, someday, my writing and my passions will allow me to be a stay at home mom.
I love to read blogs. Other people love to read blogs. Why not mine?
I took Ronan to the chiropractor today. My husband, Brock, thinks chiropract-y(?) is a racket. We’ll see. If he sleep better tonight, then maybe it will have been worth it.
On with the blog ideas. I’m going to post pictures regularly, because I LOVE to photograph my son, and just about everything else in my life. I’d like to touch on topics that are serious, as well as blabber on inanely about my day. We’ll see how it turns out in the end.