A breastfeeding story:
Ronan and I went to Brock’s soccer game yesterday. I might not have mentioned it, but Brock and his buddy Josh are coaching a 12 year old soccer team. They have a lot of fun.
Anyways, all of the moms and dads of these kids show up for the games, and they all become good friends. Since I’m the wife of the coach, and I have an adorable baby, everyone comes over to chat with me while I’m there. It’s really nice, actually.
Yesterday, just as we got to the field, Ronan started fussing like he was hungry. All of the parents had their chairs set up to watch, and the kids were warming up on the field. I grabbed my diaper bag and a blanket to walk back up to the car so I could nurse Ronan and not offend anyone. As I was walking by one of the moms, she asked, “Where are you going?”
I replied, “He’s hungry… we’re gonna go up to the…”
She cut me off and said, “You don’t have to go anywhere! You sit right here…” (she offered me her chair) “… and we’ll give you some privacy, and you and that baby enjoy the game. “
It totally blew me away. She said I shouldn’t have to miss out just because someone ELSE might get offended that I had to nurse my baby.
She told me, “When my little ones were nursing, if someone asked me to go elsewhere because they were uncomfortable I would tell them ‘Do you think that the Virgin Mary took out her bottles and her formula when her baby was hungry? No, I don’t think so. If breastmilk is good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for my baby. If you are offended, then YOU leave.”
Totally made my whole day. And I REALLY enjoyed watching the game – the other team didn’t show up, so the kids played against the dads and coaches. Everyone had a blast, and we laughed through the whole thing. It was just awesome.