New Ronan pictures!
Xanga is harder for me to update pictures than any of my other frequent sites, but I’ll try to keep on top of things.
Sleeping away in his boppy-bouncer.
I LOVE the pouty bottom lip!!
So wide awake sometimes.
Special time with dad.
Brock and I gave Ronan his first sponge-bath at home last night. It wasn’t as scary or difficult as I thought it would be. He didn’t cry at all, and Brock helped so much. I’m sure it will be tougher next time I have to do it myself. He smelled SO GOOD when we were done!
There is a lot more baby laundry than I ever thought there would be. Seems like one load of baby stuff a day is about par for the course. I guess it was silly of me to think that baby stuff wouldn’t get messed up.
Baby blues are so very real. I spend at least an hour each day crying. Sometimes, I’m so overwhelmed, I don’t know what to do. I’m very desperately afraid of Brock going back to work on Monday and having to be home alone with Ronan by myself. I wish so very much that my mom were here, and now I understand why so many people were surprised that I didn’t try harder to get her to come down. I had no idea how emotionally, physically, or mentally exhausting these first few days can be.
Everyone keeps telling me it gets better. I’m sure it does. It’s just tough right now.
Holding him makes me feel better.