I don’t have time to blog today.
I must! Warning… this dream might be a little weird for some people.
I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamed I was in the hospital, waiting to deliver the baby. The told me I was 7 centimeters dilated, and that nothing was happening. They wanted to give me an epidural because sometimes that helps mom to relax and get things going. So, they gave me the epidural (remarkably painless in a dream!) and then came in to check.
The nurse said, “Wow, she’ll be ready to push in just a bit here!”
About 3 seconds later, I was pulling the baby out myself. I said, in my dream, “I’m DELIVERING my own BABY!!!” I think I felt like a dork even as I was sleeping.
They pulled the baby out and put him on my belly. He had TONS of black hair, like a little troll doll, and the pediatrician was moving him around by his hair to make him cry. What was crazy? He had teeth already. I kept trying to breast feed, but he just kept biting me.
Anyways. I hear dreams are really strange when you are pregnant.
Work has been really rough this week. I have been on hospital week, going to work early and not really leaving early because I’ve been so busy. I wanted yesterday to be Friday SO BADLY, and it was only Wednesday. Today was a disappointment as well. I’m really only ever happy on Fridays. Ahhh, when did that happen?
Hooray for weekends.