Xanga isn’t blocked at work. I better start writing!
What’s up right now? First, my crown went very well. I survived! I have to go back and get a few more fillings done because they wouldn’t numb both sides of my mouth on the same day, but I can live with that. I’ll be just fine.
Baby news? Not much! Still growing, kicking, and too much fun to watch. I have to be honest, I look at the little bean every two or three days. It’s really hard to resist! Already, the baby is SO active. Rolling, streching, hiccuping… it’s incredible. You can see arms, legs, fingers, toes. Can’t tell if it’s a girl or boy yet! Soon enough.
Jeeze, what else? Still nauseated pretty often, haven’t gained any weight. I’m 11 weeks now, so I will hopefully be moving into the next phase that includes feeling great and having energy very soon. I can’t wait for that.
I don’t know what else to write about. Too many days go by. Oh! Penelope is a GREAT MOVIE. Stars Christina Ricci, and a bunch of other familiar names. I think it went straight to DVD. I highly recommend it, and even Brock enjoyed it. Go out and rent it!