Brock took my laptop with him on a trip to California. I love how he gets to go on a four day trip to Cali… while I stay here and work. I remember the days when I got to go with him on all of his out-of-state trips. How come he never went to some place awesome like California before?
Anyways, he took my laptop, so I’m upstairs writing this out on his computer. I guess it’s not all that bad, I just like to complain. I’m trying to get my entry in before bed… that would be a nice little ritual. My before bed mind-dump.
As I said before, I’ve been pretty seriously nauseous during this whole pregnancy thing. Honestly, it’s a lot worse than I had ever imagined it being. I have always thought I was going to be one of those HAPPY pregnant women, one of the people that didn’t matter how sick I got or how awful I felt, I would be happy to just be pregnant.
That goes away around day 4.
I have to be totally honest… being pregnant (at THIS point in the game) totally sucks! The coolest thing so far has been seeing that baby inside of me. Keeps me motivated, helps me keep my chin up.
My doctors (I work with three high-risk specialists, from here out known as Dr. S, Dr. A, and Dr. I) have gotten on me again and again about how much weight I’ve lost. It’s a little frustrating… it’s not like I’m trying to lose weight. Nothing is appetizing… and as soon as something is – I take three bites, and feel like I’m about to throw it all up. Once you feel like that, you stop eating. Instead, I’ve been trying to eat about a HUNDRED mini-meals a day, trying to get in lots of fats and proteins, little bits of sugars and carbs. Dr. S made me go out and buy some Ginger and Vitamin B-6 pills, he said they are ‘scientifically proven’ to help curb morning sickness.
I think they just feel sorry for me.
Any how! We got a brand new machine at the clinic today to demo, try it out, see if the doctors want to purchase the new equipment. What is that you say? You need a patient to try it out on? Well, lets just see if we can find a pregnant patient somewhere around here!
I got a quick, 10 minute ultrasound while Dr. S played with the machine. Little Bean is still in there, doing his or her little bean thing. It’s really cool. My first OB appointment is on Thursday… but I have people taking care of me already. I have a feeling this is going to be a hand-held pregnancy. And that’s ok with me.
Here is to hoping that tomorrow has less nausea, more eating, and a better mood – Go, Go Gadget Ginger Pills!