Ok, my xanga is broken. I can’t get this to be the right color. I give up. If you can read it, great. If not… sorry : /
Evidently I’m wrong… boys outnumber girls.
Oh well. My mom responded to my ‘featured’ post, here’s what she said:
Good Morning Daughter!
had to get your father to read yesterdays blog (which I did not receive
yesterday???), just to see what he would say about this situation. His
response was as follows. “How silly!” The only good thing about having
a boy first is that the big brother can and will usually look out for
the younger sister. And other than that we weren’t stopping until we
had our girl ! Thank goodness it only took three tries to get it
right. Could you imagine having like 10 older brothers??
Love you and miss you more
I have no doubts that my dad
loves me. He’s a pretty incredible guy. I’m lucky to be his daughter,
even though he pretends otherwise.
Today has been a crazy busy
day. I started out the day with an amniocentesis, which is pretty
scary from every point of view. Really, there is no way for something
terrible to happen, but the simple idea of placing a needle into the
amniotic sac where the baby lives… it just give you the quivers a
little. It went really well, no problems at all, thank goodness.
Other than that: STOP
spamming my Xanga. It’s really sad to me that I can be featured, and
have someone leave 10-15 crap messages on all of my old posts. I don’t
want to be spammed about your poetry, your cool new website, or any of
that jazz. Grow up.
To the rest of the amazing
comments that keep coming in, thank you again. It’s very cool to read
your stories and suggestions. I’m grateful to all of you.