My whole life, I think I will never escape being cold.
At the hospital, I was cold. I would sit with a blanket over my hands while I typed on the lap top so the heat from the computer would warm my fingers. At the clinic, I am cold. It’s not too terrible early in the morning, but some time around noon the air clicks on, and my body heat clicks off. My fingers are so cold they become stiff and nearly numb. It’s difficult to push the buttons on my machine. Brock keeps the house cold. He likes the thermometer set at 70. He said if I’m wearing normal clothes and comfortable, it’s too warm. He says I should put on more clothes, and use a blanket. My poor kitten curls up next to me every chance he gets because it is so very cold.
I remember in Arkansas, when I had my own apartment… I was the master of my own thermomter. Set it to 78? Sure, why not. There is no point in freezing when I’m the one paying the bills. Leave the air off in the middle of summer? Sounds good to me!
I spent the warmest times of my life those seven months. How nice it was to be so comfortable. So warm.
I’m tired of being cold.