So you think you can dance?
Well, no, I know I can’t. But I love to. I have danced nearly every single day for the last 3 years. I’ve taken classes, summer camps, and been in a studio any free moment I could get my hands on. I even used the aerobics room in my gym when it was free because it had mirrors, sprung floors, and a barre.
So what am I doing? Here I am, sitting at my kitchen table, feeling sick to my stomach that it’s been almost a full year since I’ve been on a dance floor. Last June, I had my very last class at the Classical Ballet Academy. And now that I’ve been watching So You Think You Can Dance… I’m missing every second of it.
I know that I’m not a fantastical, talented dancer. I know that I don’t have as much talent in my whole body as these competitors have in their pinkie toes. But you don’t stop doing something you have a passion for. You don’t quit just because you don’t have time to find a new studio. You don’t give it up because other people worry that you’ll start to get too skinny if you get back into Ballet again. It might be a little bit expensive, and it might take a lot of time. But I love it. And I don’t want to keep missing out. I need to find a studio, and take any of the classes that they’ll let me take.
I need to do it now.