It is such a blessing to have half a day off!
Not that I got a ton of shit done or anything, but it was just really nice to sit around the house and relax. I had a nap, I worked on my portfolio project, and I watched TV. It was cool to just sit and watch TV without feeling guiltly like “I should be sleeping.”
I have a ballet class tomorrow at 11:30. I’ve been practicing at home, stretching and really working my turnout. I mean, seriously, it’s not horrible, but compared to these girls at the academy, I look like a slob. They ALL have 180 degree turnout, they all have splits and flexibility like crazy. I really need to find a yoga class or get some private lessons. Miss Catherine said that the other teacher, and I THINK her name is Miss Rachel, but I’m not sure yet, might be willing to do a few private classes. I’ll take a look at how much that is going to cost me, but if she’ll help me get my splits and my turn out rocking, plus a little more control, I would be willing.
I also need to go to Tulsa and get fitted. I’m gonna look that shizz up right now. I need to know if this is something that I can go and do on Sunday, or if this is going to be a “wait until I can figure everything out” sort of trip. It would really be a shame to go to Tulsa and just buy pointe shoes, then come home.
We’ll see!