I’m going to go ahead and write a little more here. I think it will help to open up a little.
I am seriously lonely right now. I have been home alone all night, and all I can think about is how much I want something to do, someone to be with.
Before, when I was thinking about the trip, and moving here and everything, I was worried that I might really like it. That I might like being alone, and that I would really want to remain alone after the seven months was up.
It has only been two weeks, and I miss Justin so much it puts tears in my eyes. I don’t have anyone to share anything with, and I am all alone. Justin is busy all the time, and even if he weren’t, he wouldn’t want me calling him every time I feel like I need someone to talk to. Of course, it would help if he were available to talk more than he is. So far, the track record makes me sad. Raids, PvP and work all add up to very little talk time, and it bothers me.
Dance helps, but it’s just four hours a week. Four out of so many more…it’s really sad that I wish that I were working on the weekends so I wouldn’t have to feel how alone I actually am. I actually am alone.