So much to say…
So few ways to say it.
I have a ton to look forward to right now. I only have 7 weeks of classes left before I go to clinicals. (Even though I don’t know where that is yet.) Once I’m done with class, life is going to be pretty different. I can’t wait to work at a job I enjoy every day. I’m sort of excited to find a dance studio far away, and take classes, and come back to Raena’s studio and have her be really proud of me. I think that would be really fun.
John, Tom, and Dee are all coming to visit in a few weeks. I couldn’t be more excited for that. I’ve never met Tom, John is fun to be around, and I miss Dee like crazy. I can’t believe I said I’d work the weekend of Thanksgiving. Hopefully Tom, Justin and John will be busy every now and then so Dee and I can hang out together.
I’m trying to find out out if I’m going to be able to go to Canada for christmas. There is really nothing more that I want as a christmas present.
I’m gonna post a picture of Kiera. She is so pretty.
I can’t wait to go home and see her.
So that’s all that’s going on right now. More posts later!