I have this sinus headache thing going on. Since I’ve called in sick to work for the second day, it feels sort of good.
I always get some sort of crazy guilt trip when I make a decision about something, and then later feel that it wasn’t warranted. Like going to the doctor because I couldn’t move my toe, and then being able to move it two days later. Couldn’t I have waited those extra two days before going? Wouldn’t that have been the thrifty thing to do? Instead, I had to spend money and waste the time of an orthopedist who probably went home and told his wife that some silly girl had a bruise and ran into the hospital.
I think I’ll be able to get over it. Someday.
Right now, my head just hurts, my cat is irritating, and it’s 12:14. I would like to go to bed, but probably wont.