So many things. So many things.
Justin’s grandfather died this morning. We will be leaving for the funeral on Wednesday morning, early. The roads are supposedly trecherous, and if we have to go slowly, we may not make it in time. That cannot be helped.
A good friend of mine is very ill. Hopefully it’s not serious, but we all know that even if it is, he’s got the strength to fight through it…and the support of every person he knows to help him. We’re here for ya, grumpy.
I have a HUGE exam tomorrow in Cross-Sectional anatomy. I haven’t prepared for it nearly enough, and I need to go to bed now so I can get a respectable amount of sleep. I’m going to get up at 5:45 and study more before I leave for class. Please wish me luck.
World of Warcraft doesn’t come out until tomorrow, even though some of our friends have their copies tonight. (Meanasses!) We’re going to get our copies, and then I’m going to log in and make Characters to make sure I get all of the names that I want.
I also ordered a pair of super cute boots. They will get here tomorrow too!
Wow, I fit all of that so many things in with just a little bit about each, and it wasn’t so bad. Sweet.