Lastnight, I fell asleep in bed while playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It was about two in the morning, and Justin just woke me up now, at about noon.
I feel stiff and sore like someone beat me all over with a baseball bat.
And my brain feels full of cotton. Or slugs. Or something slow and gross.
I’m reading a really good book at work. You may not agree that it is a really good book, but for some reason, I’m addicted to Nora Roberts. Yeah, I know all the books are pretty much the same, but it stands to reason then…if I liked the first one, I’ll probably like all of them, right? Eventually, I’m sure I’ll get tired of reading them, but right now, they’re exactly fun enough to listen to at work and enjoy myself.
I need to go grocery shopping, and…oh shit. What did Justin ask for? Damn you, brain. Spicy Italian? I think that’s what he said. I guess I pulled a Homer Simpson on that one. ><