Molly has acne.
It’s not acne like you and I like to think about it, but there are pimples on her chin. She doesn’t seem to worry about them. It doesn’t appear as though she is upset that they’re there. I suppose she doesn’t much care about boys or complexion or anything like that. She does, after all, happen to be a cat.
However, after deciding to take her to the vet to find out why exactly she has pimples on her chin, I did a quick google search to see if the internet could enlighten me.
As it turns out, it could.
Feline acne, I have learned, is caused by a build up of bacteria on one of the most difficult parts of a cats body for them to clean – their own chin. Feline acne is basically the same thing human acne is: a blockage of a pore or hair follicle, aggrivated by bacteria that ends up forming a pustule. However, in cats, if the acne isn’t taken care of it doesn’t just lead to scars (emotional and physical.) It can actually cause a systemic bacterial infection that ends in death.
This is a little alarming.
The cure is quick and simple. Bacteria thrive in plastic bowls. I will be shopping for some cute, new ceramic kitty bowls tomorrow. These bowls must be washed out every day. I can handle that. I can also help her out by cleaning her chin for her a few times a week. Stridex pads will work wonders. We’ll clean her up yet. She’ll be the Homecoming Queen, you wait and see.